Leaf-Litter Plant is a stout shrubs or a small
tree, up to 5 m tall. Its common name comes from the fact that leaf
litter that falls from nearby trees often collects at the base of the
plant, at the point where the leaves meet the stem. Leaves are up to 21
x 9 cm, elliptic-oblong, pointed, leathery, base narrowed, spiny
sawtoothed; nerves 13 pairs, regular, prominent. Leaf-stalk is 1 cm
long. Male flowers are borne in short racemes in leaf-axils. Bracts are
broadly ovate, densely woolly; sepals white, 4 x 2.5 mm, obovate,
blunt; petals smaller than sepals, white; stamens 12, filaments united
at base. Female flowers solitary or 2-3 together, in leaf-axils; bracts
many, 3 x 3 mm, imbricating, fringed with hairs; flower-stalk 7 mm
long, stout; sepals oblong, densely hairy. Capsule is 1.5 cm across,
seeds spherical, hairless. Leaf-Litter Plant is found in Central and
Peninsular India. Flowering: February-March.